Making your computer faster and making sure you’re getting the most speed out of your computer involves a little user maintenance from time to time. In this article, we will discuss seven things you should check if you are concerned your computer is losing its edge.
When a computer slows down it can be for reasons that pertain to the computer itself or the operating system you have installed on it. As far as the computer itself is concerned, there really isn’t too much we can do that would change its internal speed. Yes, in some circles such things as overclocking are popular but we don’t recommend anything like that.
Sufficient RAM to Make your Computer Faster
The only thing we recommend doing to your computer at all, is making sure there is enough RAM installed to run the programs you have on your computer. A simple rule to follow would be if you’ve added no new programs, you shouldn’t have to upgrade your RAM. However, if you have added new programs, you may be making heavier demands on your onboard memory and therefore you would need to add a little extra random access memory as well as kitted pcb parts.
Blow out the Dust and Keep the Fans Turning to Make your Computer Faster
Other than this, the only other two things you can do to help keep your computer internals at their best is make sure dust is not covering every bit of your motherboard and its components. Dust will tend to keep heat inside and this tends to make a computer run more slowly. All you can do about this situation is blow the dust out of your PC with some canned air. However if it’s a laptop you are using, there isn’t very much you can do.
Finally, the only other thing I would recommend doing as far as computer parts are concerned is simply making sure all your fans are working. This includes the fan in your power supply.
Make your Computer Faster using a Virus Scan
Most times when the computer slows down it is due to deterioration of your Windows operating system. Of course, if you are not using Windows this would not apply. The point is you have to make sure your PC is protected against viruses or your operating system will deteriorate very quickly and the service it will give you will be poor at best.
Make your Computer Faster by running a Spyware Scan
Spyware as well will deteriorate your operating system and can harm it just as much as a virus can. Make your Computer Faster just by stopping spyware and adware from entering into your computer on the back of a virus. Such is the case if your computer should pick up a Trojan. So, likewise your computer must be protected against spyware. Fortunately, most antivirus programs are anti-spyware programs as well.
Make your Computer Faster using Defrag
I know it is pretty much out of these vogue days, but it is still important to keep your hard drive defragmented. This is because a fragmented file system will keep your computer busy simply trying to find simple parts to a file your computer wants to execute. Though Windows has its own defrag program it is slow and can literally take the whole day to defrag your hard drive. Because of this there are third-party programs available that will do the job very quickly. One final point about this is that you can think of defragmentation as a hard drive problem but actually it is your Windows operating system that saves the files to your hard drive and therefore is responsible for fragmenting the file formations.
Registry Corruption slows down your computer
The last thing we need to talk about is registry corruption. I believe everyone should have a registry cleaner installed on their computer and they should use it at least once a month. During the course of surfing the net, loading and unloading files to your computer and upgrading programs and even Windows itself, registry corruption is being developed. No, registry corruption is not your fault it’s just a way of life with Windows operating systems. However, if your computer’s performance is suffering registry corruption may well be your problem. In fact, I find most times a computer is running slow these days, registry corruption is responsible.
The author, Ed Lathrop is a comp TIA A+/Network+ certified computer technician familiar with the operation, repair and upkeep of today’s PC’s. His site, Registry Cleaner Reviews, rates the latest registry programs and tells which registry cleaners work and which ones might actually be dangerous to your computer. Also, Slow Computer shows you how to Make your Computer Faster.