July 26, 2024
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This came to me as a bit of a surprise but Chris Brogan, possibly the king of social media marketing, has a new blog post tonight which is one of those top 10 lists of links that I always like.

Ten Tech Solutions To Improve Your Productivity

The list of the top 10 tips includes services that you may know like Jott but also has some little apps that are great like Texter and some app launchers. One of the great things I found in the article was a bunch of tips for cleaning up your inbox. My work inbox has 3500 messages and home is about the same.

Starting a computer support business is something that with someImage result for marketing experience and training almost anyone can do. As a person owning an independent computer support business as well as a website to help others that support home users I thought it would be nice to point out the steps needed to start a business helping home computer users as well as some of the skills needed to get started, although there are some people that decide to make money with business that already exist, like stock trading, where they can use price action trading strategies to produce money online.

There are four steps to getting the business started.

Computer software
There is no way around this. Over time you will find great software for diagnosing problems as well as for fixing problems. Two of my favorite CDs for support are the Ultimate Boot Disk as well as the Windows Ultimate Boot Disk. Both of these are free CDs to download and include a great many pieces of freeware that will help you out. These two Cds are self booting which is nice but you may also create a disk over time that has software you can run right out of Windows.

A website is critical, for this you will need to search for the best logo design companies to help you with your design, and the logo you will use for the business cards, and for the final website, it most be appealing so your customers are attracted to it. You do not need something really slick but you do need a site for marketing as well as so that people can contact you or direct others to contact you.

The basic info on the site should be your email, phone number, services you offer and maybe a menu of services that you offer. You will find that you do not have to prove how much better you are than everyone else because word of mouth can move very quickly.