December 6, 2024
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With the release of the iPhone 4S and all the cool iPhone features the Internet is abuzz about the possibilities for the new Siri virtual assistant. However, there are a lot of amazing things your iPhone can already do, if you have the right application. Here’s a list of some of the iPhone’s most useful, coolest capabilities, many of which can make your life easier, and even save you money.

Cool iPhone Features

Your iPhone Can Prevent You From Getting a DUI

Cool iPhone Features
Cool iPhone features

Sadly, many of us have, at some point in our lives, thrown caution to the wind and driven home after one too many. Not only is this is a dangerous and unethical practice, it can land you some serious jail time, fines, and a few trips to your local Alcoholics Anonymous. Furthermore, you can have your license restricted or suspended, which seriously impedes your ability to get to work and pay off all those fines. There are a few applications available to help you calculate your BAC (blood alcohol concentration), and iAlcohol is a cool iPhone features that is among the best. Using the included drink list, you can get a good gauge of your BAC, and know when to quit.

Your iPhone Can Help You Avoid Getting a Ticket

On a related note, Trapster is a service that provides you with up-to-date information about potential speed traps in your areas. While the service primarily relies on user updates, some police are even using it ? to inform you of their locations! When combined with BAC calculator, these two iPhone functions can really improve your driving record.

Your iPhone Can Get You Pregnant

Okay, not literally, but it definitely can help. There is a menstrual calendar application that can be downloaded for free, which can help you determine your fertility window. After you conceive, it can even accurately predict your due date. After birth, the iPhone has yet one more surprise for you…

Your iPhone Can Help You Babysit

Another of the cool iPhone features is an application for the iPhone lets you use it as a baby monitor. It detects any sound or movement made by the baby when it wakes, and alerts you to this development. This a great idea for busy new moms and dads, but also teens who want to chat on the phone whilst babysitting.

Your iPhone Can Detect Metal

The Silver/Metal detector application uses the iPhone 3GS built-in magnetometer to detect metal. While you should probably intend to use this application for fun and don’t expect to find much, there has actually been some reports of lucrative success with this program. This makes us wonder if having an iPhone really is the best way to make money.

And finally, the most useful thing your iPhone can do…

Your iPhone Can Help You Locate it if it’s Lost or Stolen

This is really for real and I think is one of the best real cool iPhone features. If you turn on the “Find My iPhone” service on your iPhone, you can track it when lost by logging into another iOS device by logging in with the same Apple ID. If you’ve lost it at home, you can make it sound an alarm. If you suspect it’s been picked up or stolen by someone else, you can track your iPhone to the suspect’s address and send them strongly-worded messages. There are already a few testimonials out there that this application works, and has even thwarted potential thieves. However, if the perpetrator is smart enough to turn off the phone or your battery dies, you’re probably out of luck.

So even if you don’t have plans to upgrade to a new iPhone 4S, don’t despair. There are always interesting and useful applications being released, forever finding new ways to make your phone helpful and entertaining.